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Exhaust System

The transmission is complicated and important component of your car


Does Your BMW Need Exhaust Repair?

     One of the most heavily worked systems in your BMW and MINI doesn’t even have any moving parts. The exhaust pipes in your car carry the hot exhaust fumes away from the engine and disperses them out of the tailpipe. However, an exhaust leak can allow for these toxic fumes to enter the passenger cabin putting you and your passengers at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, which can quickly result in death. If you experience any of these signs of any exhaust leak be sure to visit your BMW and MINI mechanic right away to keep yourself safe and your car running efficiently. 



Lowered Fuel Efficiency


     There are many things that can cause a drop in fuel efficiency, which means you will likely need to have a mechanic help you determine what the exact trouble is. However, an exhaust leak can drop your MPGs because the deregulation of the flow of the hazardous exhaust fumes can cause your oxygen and mass airflow sensors to malfunction. This means that they will miscalculate incoming and outgoing air and your car will burn excessive amounts of gasoline as a result.


Gas Pedal Vibrations


     There are many things that can cause a drop in fuel efficiency, which means you will likely need to have a mechanic help you determine what the exact trouble is. However, an exhaust leak can drop your MPGs because the deregulation of the flow of the hazardous exhaust fumes can cause your oxygen and mass airflow sensors to malfunction. This means that they will miscalculate incoming and outgoing air and your car will burn excessive amounts of gasoline as a result.



Loud Engine Rumbling


     If your once quiet car has begun to create a deep rumbling noise while cruising or especially during acceleration you can bet on an exhaust leak. This noise, much like the vibration, is caused by the escaping air. While some folks may think this may make your car sound “cool” or “tough” this issue needs to be addressed right away in order to keep you and your car healthy.


An oil change can really change your mood.
And it will definitely change your oil.





One of the simplest, most effective and inexpensive ways to help protect the life of your car, especially its engine, is to change the oil and the oil filter regularly.


Oil is the lifeblood of your engine. It reduces friction, lessens wear, provides lubrication, forms a seal between the pistons, rings and cylinder walls while helping to cool engine parts. Without the cleaning action of new oil, carbon and varnish buildup would be toxic to the engine. And engine oil even dampens the shock and noise of moving parts.


With an oil change, or any other service, you’ll receive an ATX Bimmer Courtesy Check. We’ll look inside, outside, under the hood and underneath the car, then explain the findings.

Our ATX Bimmer Courtesy Check includes a visual check of the following items:


          Engine air filter

          Brake fluid

          Power steering fluid


          We’ll also walk you through your vehicle                                 manufacturer’s recommendations for replacing these           vital fluids and filters.



Oil change near me? The next time you ask this question, just book your appointment at ATX Bimmer!

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